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The Micklethwait family of Ingbirchworth, Yorkshire, England


Robert Geldart-128

He was a butcher, and obtained the Freedom of the City of York in 1605 by patrimony.
!His will was dated 11 Feb 1644/5, and was proven 17 May 1645.

Arthur Brooks-142

He was made a Freeman of the City of York in 1719. he was a Mercer.
!He was the Chamberlain of the City of York in 1726.
!He was living 19 Sep 1749.
!He married and had a Son, Stephen who was a Brewer, and who also was the Chamberlain in 1769.

Stephen Brooks-141

He was living in 1784 in North St, and was considered to be a Gent.
!He obtained the FReedom of the CIty of York in 1758.
!He was the Chamberlain for the City of York in 1769.

Richard Geldart-130

He was a Butcher by trade, and obtained the Freedom of the City of York in 1578.
!He was the Chamberlain for the city in 1600.
!His will was dated 9 Nov 1626, and proven 11 aug 1628

Roger Geldart-145

Did this couple really get divorced??
I find it hard to believe.

Bartholomew Geldart-147

He was a Cook, and lived for a time in Ripon, though also in York.

Miss Geldart-77

This daughter married John Owram, Cook, who was the Sheriff of York 1720/1. I am not sure if he was the brother of Stphewn Owram Jnr, but he could have been as both the Stephen's were cooks also.

Elizabeth Geldart-79

Elizabeth married Stephen Owram, Cook, the son of Stephen Owram, Cook. One of these two Stephen's received the Freedom of the City of York by Patrimony in 1698. I think it was Stephen Jnr who was Free in 1698, as he would have been born about 1677.

Ellen Geldart-78

Ellen married William Pemberton, who was the Chamberlain of York 1700.

Robert Fewsdale-52

Robert was a Farmer. I do not know where Dunsforth is, I cannot find it on a raod map of england

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