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He was a butcher, and obtained the Freedom of the City of York in 1605 by patrimony.
!His will was dated 11 Feb 1644/5, and was proven 17 May 1645.
He was made a Freeman of the City of York in 1719. he was a Mercer.
!He was the Chamberlain of the City of York in 1726.
!He was living 19 Sep 1749.
!He married and had a Son, Stephen who was a Brewer, and who also was the Chamberlain in 1769.
He was living in 1784 in North St, and was considered to be a Gent.
!He obtained the FReedom of the CIty of York in 1758.
!He was the Chamberlain for the City of York in 1769.
He was a Butcher by trade, and obtained the Freedom of the City of York in 1578.
!He was the Chamberlain for the city in 1600.
!His will was dated 9 Nov 1626, and proven 11 aug 1628
Did this couple really get divorced??
I find it hard to believe.
He was a Cook, and lived for a time in Ripon, though also in York.
This daughter married John Owram, Cook, who was the Sheriff of York 1720/1. I am not sure if he was the brother of Stphewn Owram Jnr, but he could have been as both the Stephen's were cooks also.
Elizabeth married Stephen Owram, Cook, the son of Stephen Owram, Cook. One of these two Stephen's received the Freedom of the City of York by Patrimony in 1698. I think it was Stephen Jnr who was Free in 1698, as he would have been born about 1677.
Ellen married William Pemberton, who was the Chamberlain of York 1700.
Robert was a Farmer. I do not know where Dunsforth is, I cannot find it on a raod map of england
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