Lego Models Cemetery Records Contact List of Pedigrees Wills
Ancestors & Relations of Brian Dickinson
Learn more about the Latter Day Saints

Ancestors & Relations of Elizabeth Toase born 9 Nov 1887


Robert Halley-7298

1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, IGI, 2001 Intellectual Reserve Inc., M018833, Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple St,, Salt Lake City, UT, 84150 USA.

Elizabeth Squire-7293

1Eddie Squire.

2The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, IGI, 2001 Intellectual Reserve Inc., M018833, Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple St,, Salt Lake City, UT, 84150 USA.

John Traviss Squire-7306

1Will: Francis Green.

2Will: Francis Green.

3Will: Francis Green.

Harriet Green-7307

1Will: Francis Green.

2Will: Francis Green.

3Will: Francis Green.

Mary Squire-7323

1Squire bible.

2Squire bible.

Rowland William Squire-7325

1Squire bible.

2Squire bible.

Dorothy Bingley-7376

11901 Census.
1901 Census.
She was a milliners apprentice at the time of the census. She was living in the Parish of Norton in Derbyshire.

Annie Squire-7336

1The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ordinance Index (TM) (25 Jan 2000 Edition), Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple St,, Salt Lake City, UT, 84150 USA.

Nellie Squire-7389

1Eddie Squire.

William Harris-7396

1Eddie Squire.

Alexander Brown Bell-7398

1Marriage Record - England, 2nd Quarter 1889 barnsley, Vol 9c Page 218.

2Eddie Squire.

Agnes Squire-7390

1British Crown, 1881 Census, 1999 Intellectual Reserve Inc.
Eddie Squire.

2Birth Record - England, 4th Quarter 1861 Barnsley, Vol 9c Page 124.

3Marriage Record - England, 2nd Quarter 1889 barnsley, Vol 9c Page 218.

Edgar Squire-7392

1Eddie Squire.

2Eddie Squire.

Lego Models Cemetery Records Contact List of Pedigrees Wills
Ancestors & Relations of Brian Dickinson